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The three biggest pitfalls of single component outsourcing

You need to get a batch of parts made for a big client order. Outsourcing is the natural choice – it’s efficient and it’s cost effective – but it comes with risks of its own. Find out the three common problems that could hold up your plans, and how to avoid them.

The part doesn’t match up

The problem: Every element of your product obviously needs to fit together perfectly. But when you receive the component you outsourced, it doesn’t fit where it’s supposed to go. You’re left with multiple faulty components and an order that can’t be fulfilled. When you’re outsourcing, it can be difficult to specify with your supplier exactly what you want, especially if a thorough planning process isn’t followed. When errors are made, you’re back to square one, putting your ability to deliver booked orders – not to mention your client relationships – at risk.

The solution: At Steelplan we believe that our clients should have full confidence in their supply chain. For that reason, we offer a Blueprint service. All new clients can trial our services to ensure that the product we make meets your exact criteria. From estimating, to production engineering, to a fully signed off prototype, we will run through every stage with you until you’re happy before commencing full production. This way you know for sure that the completed component you receive will be right.

Production delays

The problem: All of a sudden your outsource partner decides to prioritise another client. Your project slips down the list and in no time you’re behind schedule. By the time you find out, it’s too late to take the work elsewhere and you have no choice but to wait for the components to be finished. The order isn’t ready in time for its planned shipping date, is delivered late to you, and misses your client’s deadline. Ouch.The solution: Successful outsourcing relies on great client-supplier relationships. At Steelplan, we take the time to get to know our clients and make your priorities our priorities. Communication is critical so we establish clear ways of staying in touch from the start and are proactive throughout. If an issue comes up, we resolve it quickly together to ensure there is no impact on your schedule.

Delivery delays

The problem: You’ve got a huge order lined up. Everything was on schedule until the factory hit a glitch and didn’t get your shipment to the boat in time. Having outsourced the job overseas, missing that shipment means either a six-week delay, or spending thousands on last-minute air shipping to get the delivery to you in time.

The solution: When this kind of problem occurs, you need an alternative, local manufacturer who can take on the job. Multi-sourcing enables you to recover quickly from a set-back, and hand the work over to another trusted supplier. Having an established relationship with a UK manufacturer means the job can get picked up immediately and be delivered in good time. Steelplan is based in the UK, so your completed components don’t have to travel far to get to you. We’re committed to meeting your delivery deadlines because we understand the impact that missing them has on you and your clients.

To find out more about using Steelplan Products as your outsource partner, call us on 01442 248 565 or visit

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